STA logger geoprocessing tool

Available now is the STA logger geoprocessing tool designed for use in ArcGIS Pro.
Currently, the tool will utilise your STA logger data to calculate the estimated foliage cover of weeds sprayed within the site boundary or area of interest that you specify.
How to use the tool
Last update: v02 26/02/2024
Getting the tool
Download the tool from the link above and save it to a relevant location on your computer.
Read the “Read Me.txt” file.
Using the tool
- Open an existing, or new ArcGIS Pro project.
- Add your STA logger data from ArcGIS Online using the Add Data button.
- Use the time slider to isolate your date range of interest. Data outside of your dates of interest will not be part of the analysis.
- (Quick Tip: You can run the analysis multiple times for different periods of time to get a trend over time)
- Add your site boundary data or draw your Area of Interest polygon. Ensure there are no spaces in the name of the layer.
- (Quick Tip: If you need to quickly draw a rough polygon, add a polygon map note from the Insert tab).
- Add the STA logger tools toolbox to the project via the Insert tab (Insert tab > Toolbox > Add Toolbox).
- Open the Geoprocessing pane (Analysis tab > Tools), search for “STA logger” tools in the geoprocessing toolbox and open it.
- (Quick Tip: If you right click on it, you can add it to your favourites or your analysis gallery for that project).
- Set the parameters:
- Spray Zone: Your STA logger spray zone layer.
- Area of Interest: Your polygon layer that defines your area of interest (Before running, remove any spaces in this layer’s title. I.e. ‘Site 442’ becomes ‘Site_442’).
- Output Coordinate System: The projected coordinate system with which area calculations will be based (this should be a projected coordinate system).
- Output Area Unit: The unit of measurement to be used.
- Output Location: The destination where the final feature classes will be saved. By default, this should be a geodatabase location, but if you choose a folder location, the output will be exported as a csv file.
- Run the tool.
Viewing the results
- The results will be added to your map as a table. Right click on the table and select Open.
- You will see four fields:
- Weed cover (%): The percentage of weed cover in your area of interest, calculated as the sum of all spray zones divided by the size of the area of interest.
- Total area sprayed: The sum of the spray zone polygons in your area of interest represented in the units of measure that you selected in the tool.
- Area of interest size: The size of the area of interest represented in the units of measure that you selected in the tool.
- Device count: The number of units with spray zone data in the area of interest.
- Date of analysis: The date that you ran the tool.
- User notes: An empty field for you to add comments to your results.
- The process dissolves overlapping data so as to not overestimate spray area. That means multiple spray events at the same location will be treated as one event if their data overlaps. If you need to avoid this, split the input data into two and run the tool twice.
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